Sunday, June 29, 2014

A little more time!

So my blog, once again... Clearly fell by the wayside, we have since changed our lives a little bit though and spend less time mindlessly sitting at the computer or watching television. We fellowship more, we pray more, we sit down and talk as well as do Bible studies together. We are starting to spend more time outdoors exploring God's creation, and appreciating every little thing He does for us. We have learned to listen to Him and trust Him and it has brought about some major changes in our lives! My husband is no longer active duty Army, and even though we were dreaming of heading west, we prayed and listened and remain in the North Country, but we have moved a little further away from all the madness and closer to God and some amazing people! As I have been sitting here praying over many things lately, I have deciced that I want to continue sharing a little slice of our life with you. Hopefully I have more time to maintain this blog now that we are a little more unplugged from the mindless surfing. 

We are still homeschooling though on summer break currently; my husband has a great new job where he is in charge! I have become so close to our Lord and Savior and have officially accepted Him and devoted my life to him in which I was baptized last week! It was amazing! I will also embark on a new journey this fall in Grad school! So many positive changes! 

So stay tuned as we make so many changes to better our lives and join us in prayer over my educational journey, as well as the next step which will be finding our forever home in the next couple of years and building a small farm. We are taking things slow and know that God already has a plan, but prayers are always appreciated. 

"See" you soon and God Bless!

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